GLOSSARY OF FOODS AND FOOD TERMS Akara: popular breakfast dish made from mashed black-eyed peas seasoned with salt, pepper, and onion then deep-fried. Akassa: Ghanian porridge made from corn flour and hot water. Anu Ofia: term used for fresh meat from any forest animal. The meat is prepared by first ...
Special Occasions in Africa
SPECIAL OCCASIONS For the most part, Africans are part of a pastoral society and though many adhere to Christianity or Islam, they still, to a greater or lesser degree, retain elements of totemism and animism, and many of their special occasions revolve around the seasons, planting, and harvesting as well ...
Foods in Africa
DAIRY PRODUCTS Cow’s milk, goat’s milk, and sheep’s milk, taken plain or soured or in the form of curds and whey, are used as available. Most often they are used for infants and young children as part of soups, gruels, and puddings. The Masai herdsmen are known to drink a ...
East Africa
EAST AFRICAN Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique are five countries within the region known as East Africa. It is a region where strong British influence is still felt although few British or East Indians remain. Like West Africa, the vast expanses of land are inhabited by hundreds of differing peoples, ...
South African
SOUTH AFRICA While the West African nations combine the most sophisticated of European, New World, and their own indigenous food influences, and the area of East Africa is principally influenced by British, Indian and Islamic food traditions, South Africa is dominated by the influence of the Dutch. As early as ...
About food and culture in Africa
It must be impertinence or at the very least, a major injustice, to try to fit within a web page, a topic of the world’s 2nd biggest continent, having a human population exceeding beyond 580 million, conversing over 800 different languages, and residing in over 45 nations! Africa’s pure beauty ...