About Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Food and Culture The almost 8 million Baltic peoples have many factors in common: a temperate climate and a rich harvest from the Baltic Sea, a land that is primarily agricultural and pastoral, but a bitter history of invasions, conquests, and humiliating oppressions. Estonia, Latvia, ...
Foods from the Baltic
DAIRY PRODUCTS Soured milk, buttermilk. and sour cream are staples, while cottage cheese and pot cheese (Lithuanian: surfs) are widely used for many dishes. A consider-able amount of cheese is also consumed: fresh, aged, and with or without the beloved caraway seeds. Cheeses are prepared from the milk of cows ...
Domestic Life, Meals and Customs
Domestic life, meals and customs of the Baltic Domestic Life Since the majority of people of these lands live a rural lifestyle it is this tradition that is considered here. While Latvia makes use of her peat bogs to supply fuel, Estonia and Lithuania depend more on the wood resources ...
Baltic Special Occasions
Special Occasions in Baltic Religion has a profound influence on the lives of the Baltic peoples. Most Lithuanians are members of the Roman Catholic Church, while both Latvians and Estonians are members of the Lutheran Church. Nazi extermination of the Jews during the Second World War erased their population in ...
Baltic Foods Glossary and Food Terms
GLOSSARY OF FOODS AND FOOD TERMS Berries: the finest and sweetest berries are said to be from Estonia. Here are some of the varieties: Karusmari: gooseberries. Klukva: large juicy cranberries. A favorite Estonian drink is vodka and cranberry juice called “The Rolling Estonian.” Murakad: cloudberries. Pohlad: l i ngo nberries. ...